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We at the Podcastles podcast are committed to protecting your privacy. So here's an overview of how we do just that.


By accessing and using our website you (referred to herein as “you” or “your”) acknowledge that your personal information will be collected, stored and used in accordance with this Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy is designed to let you know about what information we collect and how we use it and applies to personal information submitted by you on this website and any information automatically retrieved during your visits to this website.

We will always ensure that the personal information we obtain will be held, used and processed in accordance with the applicable data protection laws and regulations.


How we use your personal details


On some of our pages you can provide your personal details (such as your name and email address) for various purposes or requests, including but not limited to receiving the Podcastles newsletter, updates about new Podcastles episodes, or to contact the Podcastles podcast directly.

The information that you supply will be processed by us solely for the purpose(s) it was supplied and collected. We will never sell your details to any third-parties. You are entitled to withdraw your consent and unsubscribe from receiving future information at any time. Should you choose to email us, we will only ever use your details to respond to you, and will only keep your email address for as long as our communication lasts.


Should you wish to update or remove your details, please contact:




Like most websites, we use cookies so that we can deliver an efficient browsing experience and also to help improve our website. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. If you do not consent to our use of cookies, please do not use this website.


What are Cookies?


A cookie is a small file sent to your device when you access a particular website. The data file is then sent back to the website on subsequent visits.


What Types of Cookies Do We Use?


We use Performance Cookies. These are used across our websites to help provide you with a better user experience and are for internal use only, such as to better help us understand how you and other visitors are using our website. This enables us to enhance performance and to better present our content. Cookies may be switched off, although please note that this may affect your ability to properly use our website. Please refer to your browser operators help section for further information on how to disable cookies for your browser.


Third Party Cookies and Embedded Content. Third party cookies are set by an organisation different to the owner of the website you are visiting. Pages with embedded content may present cookies from these websites. Similarly, a link to a social media platform which enables users to share or ‘Like’ content they are viewing may result in a cookie being set by that particular social media platform.


We do not control the dissemination of these cookies and you should check the relevant third party website for more information.




We treat the security of your personal information as a matter of great importance. All information we collect will be kept securely and in accordance to GDPR. However, due to the nature of the internet it is not possible to guarantee absolute security of the personal information that we collect and use. We have in place technical and physical measures that provide an appropriate level of security for the nature of the personal information that we process via this web site.


Updates to this policy


Please note that this Privacy Policy may change with the law from time to time and any changes will be notified to you through an announcement on this site. By continuing to use our sites following any such update, you confirm that you are accepting these changes.


Questions about your information or this policy


You are entitled at any time to see what personal information we may be storing about you, and to request that such information be corrected if inaccurate, or deleted from our records. If you would like a copy of this information, or to request a modification or deletion or would like further information on this policy in general, please email us at



Nikita & Georgia

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